And the weather people are predicting more snow Thursday and Saturday.
(sitting on the basement floor, looking outside)
Shoveling the driveway/sidewalk three times within a 24 hour period = not fun. We shoveled probably 4 inches Saturday afternoon, another 6.5 Sunday morning, then another 3 Sunday afternoon. And then we shoveled out into the street 10 feet to where the neighbor's tire tracks were so we could get out of our driveway. And it was heavy snow. Great for snowmen and snowballs, but heavy on the shovel. The snow today was much lighter.
Still causes the tree limbs to bow down though.
We did have sunshine yesterday, which made it super bright outside, but really pretty!
We did get a snow day from work yesterday, and then got to leave around noon today. Kind of "come to work if you feel safe driving in the weather" rules. (And everyone seems to freak out because, crap, it's winter, and it's snowing, and I live in the NW. Whoa!)
But overall, I'll take the snow. If it's going to be winter, it better be snowy and cold. I'm not a big fan of looking at dead grass for 6 months, or being soaking wet in the rain...
My car makes me laugh. It looks so dumpy with all the snow on it. (what's on the ground in front fell off the hood, and that was just the first time.) I actually saw a car that looked like this, with only the windshield area wiped off, driving down the road. As it passed I saw the handicap sign hanging off the rearview mirror.
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